Molecules of Emotion
Dr. Candace Pert was a brilliant molecular biologist. She demonstrated that a class of proteins called peptides serve as information carrying molecules from the brain to every organ in the body, down the entire spine, and even to the immune system, linking and integrating mental, emotional, and biological activities.
She proved the connection between the neurochemistry of the brain and the rest of the body, and named these peptides “Molecules of Emotion“.
As your feelings change, this mixture of peptides travels throughout your body and your brain, and they literally change the chemistry of every cell in your body.
This means that when you’re feeling overwhelmed by sadness, the chemistry of your body changes to reflect that sadness. And when you’re feeling joy, the chemistry of both your brain and your body change to reflect joy, too!
The Brain, Body, Essential Oil Connection
So what does that have to do with essential oils? Well, the aromatic pathway from your nose extends directly and rapidly all the way to the emotional center of your brain, where those Molecules of Emotion and the molecules of the oils interact chemically with each other.
That’s how just the simple act of smelling a drop of essential oils can uplift or calm your mood instantly!
Perhaps even more incredibly, our essential oils can help unlock and release emotional challenges, even if they’re old or chronic, and help promote healthier cellular function.
So there you have it. Basic neurophysiology of emotions and essentials oils, made simple!