The Secrets to Great Sex

Now that I’ve got your attention (because I know I do), let’s talk for a few minutes about something we don’t usually talk about. Sex. Not just sex, but good sex. The kind of sex that leaves everyone feeling satisfied (yes, ladies… that means you, too!). Do you feel good about your sex life?...

Do You Know How to Manifest?

Have you ever tried to manifest something? I’m thrilled that words like ‘manifest, visualize, ask the universe’ have become so mainstream. It means we want things to change for the better. But I worry that their meanings get lost. Life coaches use them to empower you. You read a book or attend a seminar...

You Cannot Thrive in Survival Mode

It’s 7:30am. The Chaos You slept through your alarm, which means no one in the house woke up on time either. The whole house is in chaos. There’s yelling, there’s rushing. Someone’s hogging the shower. Someone’s not getting dressed and the bus is going to be outside in 10 minutes. You realize that you...

Following Your Bliss is Hard!

Have you ever seen those memes on Facebook that tell you to ‘Follow your bliss’ and thought, ‘Yeah! I need to do that!’, and then moved on to the next post and completely forgotten about it? Have you ever sat back and actually asked what ‘Follow your bliss’ means? What is your bliss? What...

Our Time is Now

Now is Our Time

My love, Peter, doesn’t usually write. I’ve never seen him do anything like this before, but something sparked this inspiration and I wanted to share his message with you. It’s brilliant and totally echoes how I feel. So glad we found each other! – Dr. Marissa This message is for you. How do you...


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