Crying Makes Us Feel Better

Women have always been the butt of jokes when it comes to crying. ‘She’s hormonal, she’s sensitive, she’s a mess.’ Yeah, we are hormonal… we are sensitive. And when we’ve been at it a while, we can look and feel pretty messy. But, why is any of that bad?! Crying makes us feel better!...

Just Go with the Flow

Truthbomb: Most people don’t handle change very well. We get into our routines and schedules, and when we book as tightly as I do sometimes, if one thing slips or doesn’t go right, it throws everything off, changing everything. We can very easily find ourselves freaking out and reacting, instead of responding and adjusting...

Sex is Not a Holiday

Are you planning on a crazy, sexy night as part of your Valentine’s Day celebrations? Let’s be clear – I don’t go nuts over Valentine’s Day. It’s a day created by a greeting card company, yet so many people get so caught up in it. We create all this pressure in our relationships to...

Reject Resolutions, Find Your Words

I’m not a big fan of ‘resolutions’. They’re flawed for so many reasons, perhaps primarily because they’re the result of tremendous self-judgement. Every gym and diet center in the world is counting on your resolutions and your end-of-the-holiday insecurities about the weight you gained since they began. They’re hopeful that you feel so terrible...

Self Care Sucks Sometimes

Every professional in the wellness world preaches about self care. I am constantly reminding my patients, biz team, and friends about creating space to be good to themselves. For the life of me I cannot figure out why we women have to force ourselves to think about our own care first! Why are we...


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