Handling Stress Over the Holidays

As I write this, we’re approaching the holiday season. The time of year when expectations of presents and presence are higher than at any other time of the year. The pressure builds and we need to be extra mindful so our stress doesn’t get the better of us.

When stress rules our decision making, other people’s expectations can distract us from our normal self-care routines. Here are my professional recommendations for navigating the holidays, or any time of year when our stress may be running the show.

Give Yourself Permission to Say No

I love this phrase, and it’s brilliant, so I’m going to repeat it – If it’s not a HELL YES, then it’s a Hell NO! It is not selfish or rude to say no to things without explanation. Think about it, outside of washing the dishes and wearing pants, why would we invest our time in things we aren’t really excited about?

Say Yes to Yourself

It’s tempting to skip yoga so you can make a batch of cookies for the office party, but I’m going to really push you to keep up with your healthy routines. Don’t let go of the daily self-care and self-love commitments that keep you sane. Saying yes to yourself during this time of giving can, and must, be a priority!

Stay Nourished

Keeping up with your healthy routines, like meal planning and yoga, not only keep you sane, but also keep you nourished. Maintain, or even increase, your gentle movement, stay hydrated, and eat nutrient dense, whole foods. I know you will be surrounded by tempting holiday treats, but the more on track you stay, the better you will feel.


We have this twisted notion that self-care is selfish, so it’s usually the first thing to get bumped from our to-do lists when seasonal demands start popping up. Let’s be realistic, there are going to be times when we have to go with the flow, and perhaps we’ll have to sacrifice a trip to the gym for a family gathering, but we must establish time every day, no matter what, for loving self-care.

I know it’s not easy to put yourself first, especially during the bustle of the holiday season, but please make that time for yourself. You, and your health, are worth it. And please share this with other amazing women in your lives who need the reminder to slow down and be good to themselves!

xo Dr. Marissa

ps – This is just the start of handling holiday stress. Get my short video for tips on addressing stress on a physical level, the benefits of meditation, and how to use essential oils for managing emotions.

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Hi! I’m Dr. Marissa ~ a mum with a blended family, a partner to a truly good man, a business owner and mentor, and a holistic doctor ~ with a major passion for helping women to stretch and grow into their greatest possible selves!

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