Oils, oils everywhere ~ what’s your favorite blend? This hippie mama loves a good earthy, grounding blend. Here is one of MY favorites:

In case you’re wondering the method behind my madness, I have chosen each of these oils for a specific purpose (not just because they smell dreamy together):
Clary Sage: Soothing, relaxing properties; promotes a restful night’s sleep
Ylang Ylang: Diffuse to lift your mood while experiencing a calming effect; promotes a positive outlook.
Lavender: Widely used for its calming and relaxing qualities; aids in relieving tension.
Sandalwood: Used in meditation for its grounding and uplifting properties; promotes relaxation; diffuse to lessen tension and balance emotions.
Haven’t gotten started with essential oils yet? Find answers to many of your questions in my Frequently Asked Questions!
Love this blend? Share it liberally with all the hippie mamas you know!
September 18, 2023
Hi! Hippie Mama, Do You Make Perfumes Or Have Recipes?? Much Love! Marcia