True Renewal Begins From Within…

True Renewal

Can you feel it? The energy of change is in the air! From the larger patterns of seasonal shifts to the popularity of Marie Kondo’s Tidying Up series on Netflix…it seems that we’re especially hungry for renewal and change right now.

When the trees lose their leaves in Autumn, we are able to see it as a lovely symbol of moving forward–a willingness to shed what’s no longer serving us in order to welcome in the promise of a new season.

Winter is a natural time for us to go into a reflective state and take stock of where we are in life, and stop to think about ways in which we can do better.

However, we often tend to want to distance ourselves from our problems and failings a bit, in an (understandable) act of self-preservation.

We may focus on “Spring cleaning” in our home, but turn a blind eye to any opportunities to renew ourselves from the inside out.

It’s hard to go through our possessions and attempt to cull anything that doesn’t “spark joy.” Similarly, it’s all too easy to answer the seductive siren-call of things like spa days and mani-pedis and pretend that our work is done here.

There’s a raw, sometimes unattractive side to renewal…even if it’s just facing the naked branches that go hand in hand with Winter.

Like the phoenix rising from the ashes, sometimes we must be willing to “burn it all up” in order to start with a clean slate and renew ourselves in body, mind, and spirit.

Pointing our finger at things outside of ourselves is undoubtedly easier than examining our dearly held beliefs and old habits–even if they’re causing us pain and getting in the way of things we think we want to accomplish!

If you’re already a member of the Transformational Essentials team, you may be participating in the Rejuvenation Cleanse with us right now. It’s a 30-day program of healthy habits designed to give your body a boost.

Rejuvenation Cleanse

With simple changes you’ll be making to your wellness routine, you’ll improve your immune and digestive systems, gain more energy, better sleep habits, and a radiant glow to your skin – all before Summer! You may even lose a few pounds because of how well you’ll be treating your body this month!

The Rejuvenation Cleanse is a fantastic, effective, and gentle reboot for your body, especially after major Holidays when we tend to indulge.

A few weeks ago I also released the VibeUp Challenge, which is a 7-day emotional journey using essential oils to support us as we cultivate the willingness to move through challenging feelings.


Emotions determine a great deal more about our overall health than most people are willing to recognize! It’s not always easy to identify what we really feel, let alone to listen to and honour those emotions in practical ways.

We can all use some guidance on how to integrate our emotional being into our physical body, and that’s where the VibeUp Challenge comes in. In this Challenge, we’ll embark on a self-paced journey of 7+ days through a wide range of emotions, and learn how to address them using dōTERRA’s emotional aromatherapy essential oil collection!

We’ll begin with the emotions of shame and guilt, and work our way through fear, anger, forgiveness, and finally, peace.

Both of these courses direct our gaze inward at our own habits and choices…and invite us to honestly evaluate whether the comfortable ruts we find ourselves in are truly serving our highest good.

With these guided courses, my intention is to help you find clarity that leads to feeling better about yourself, and being able to make progress with your goals and personal growth. You might be familiar with using essential oils for physical issues and ailments, but many people don’t realize how holistically supportive they are for both inner and outer transformation!

Sometimes having the gentle guidance of a trusted mentor, and a clear protocol to follow, can make the difference between reaching your goals in weeks or months…instead of waiting for years to figure it out alone.

>> If you’re interested in participating in either of these two courses, you can get started anytime! Please find them in my brand new Transformational Essentials eLearning Academy!

When we start changing our daily habits and diet, an often and unexpected side-effect is how emotional we may find ourselves feeling.

That’s because true change and renewal really start with our unexamined emotions and beliefs.

Think of it this way: If we’re dragging around a huge suitcase labeled “Do Not Open!” with us everywhere we go, we’re working with a significant impediment. This heavy load is a real burden…but so often, we end up just hauling it with us…only dimly aware of what might be causing our struggles.

Maybe we skip basic self-care a little too often and have been noticing a slight decline in our overall vitality. Perhaps we’ve been putting off speaking with a family member about something that’s (almost) too difficult to discuss. We may overcommit to our friends or at work, or keep circling in minor arguments with the same people.

These examples are just regular annoyances, not major trauma – but you might be surprised to learn that it’s the small-and-frequent lapses, rather than the rare and massive upheavals, that spell disaster in achieving our goals over time!

A spa day getaway might feel fantastic–almost like a “cure”–but until we address the root causes of these stressors we will only delay the inevitable backslide into frustration…and we will fall short of attaining the renewal that we seek.

Our suitcase full of extra baggage might not be a major problem while we’re casually strolling through life…but what if we decided this year that we’re ready to climb mountains?

Let’s release the dead leaves and broken branches that no longer serve us, even if it feels a little scary to allow the patterns of the past to fall away. Thank your past for the lessons you’ve learned from it and release them–so you may welcome in the freshness of a new, clear vision of your best self!

Let’s step into a refreshed and renewed future this year. It all starts with a willingness to inquire within…

To learn more about the VibeUp Challenge and the Rejuvenation Cleanse, please visit


Hi! I’m Dr. Marissa ~ a mum with a blended family, a partner to a truly good man, a business owner and mentor, and a holistic doctor ~ with a major passion for helping women to stretch and grow into their greatest possible selves!

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