Thriving Through the Holidays

Thriving Through the Holidays

There’s a chill in the air that means the holiday season is nearly upon us. Expectations run high as we’re already coordinating schedules to see our loved ones, making meal plans and shopping for meaningful gifts–on top of everything else that constitutes life-as-usual. At this time of year, it’s especially important to be mindful of stress, so it doesn’t end up stealing our holiday joy!

We’re all familiar with the role of self-care in our own wellbeing, but when stress starts to influence our decision making, we often allow the expectations of others to discourage us from our normal self-care routines. In light of this, I’d like to share some of my best recommendations for navigating the holiday season (or any time of heightened stress!) gracefully.

Give Yourself Permission to Say No

Do you tend to view every request that shows up, spoken or unspoken, as an obligation to meet? Women have been especially conditioned to please others, so we unconsciously feel that it’s selfish or rude to say no to outward expectations, even when they encroach on our own sense of peace. However, this is a surefire way to lose touch with your own priorities, and over time you may find yourself harbouring feelings of anger or bitterness. Worse yet, over time you might find yourself becoming physically ill. Give yourself the grace to say “no thank you”, without feeling compelled to offer a detailed explanation. One of my favourite mantras to use in these scenarios is “If it’s not a hell yes, then it’s a hell NO!”

Say Yes to Yourself Without Apology

Similarly, when we do say yes, we want to be strategic and mindful in our agreements. It’s all too easy to find ourselves skipping yoga practice in order to make a batch of cookies for the office party, or promising to pick up an extra item for our child that turns into a wild goose chase of multiple errands (for fear of disappointment). This may be the season of giving, but it’s worth remembering that we can’t pour from an empty cup. Our healthy habits, choices, and routines are extra important during the bustle of the Holiday season, because our daily self-care commitments (however small) are crucial to keeping us grounded and emotionally balanced.

Nourish Your Body

With comforting foods, sweet treats, and meal traditions galore, this is the most challenging time of the year to eat healthfully! When you take time to plan nutritious meals and pay attention to your intake of whole, natural foods, you’re supporting your immune system naturally. With nutrition, it’s usually best to focus on adding nourishing foods, instead of avoiding certain foods as “bad”.

Even though it’s cold outside, consider maintaining or even increasing your daily movement goals. Regular physical movement encourages a healthy immune response, healthy lymph and blood flow, as well as a balanced metabolic system. This can be as simple as taking a quick walk on your lunch break. Finally, nourishing your body also means staying hydrated and getting quality sleep as well! Consider using essential oils like dōTERRA’s Serenity blend, Cedarwood, or Frankincense to unwind at bedtime.

Rethink “Being Selfish”

Most of us have a pervasive (if unconscious) belief that caring for ourselves is unseemly or “extra”, so it’s usually the first thing to get bumped from our to-do lists when the pressure is on.

However, when we repeatedly neglect to take time and effort to care for ourselves, we run the risk of creating bigger problems in the future. A wise person makes choices that are not only kind to others in the present moment, but are kind to their own future self, as well! If we do not assert ourselves with healthy boundaries and make time for self-care, we may be setting ourselves up for burnout, illness, or other challenges–which in turn can negatively impact those around us.

“The most self-absorbed human being is one who loathes themselves. The most aware is one who deeply cares for themselves. ~ Shanti Zimmermann”

Realistically, there will always be times when it’s best that we go with the flow, and perhaps we’ll decide to sacrifice a trip to the gym in favour of a family gathering. The key is feeling able to decide mindfully, instead of feeling pressured to cancel our personal time! Flexibility is crucial for caring for our families and loved ones, especially during the holidays.

We owe it to ourselves to maintain a daily practice, however small, for some form of nourishing, loving self-care.

xo Dr. Marissa
P.S. – For even more information on self-care and stress management, get my three-part audio series, Essentials of Emotional Vitality! Inside, you’ll find tips on addressing stress on a physical and nutritional level, and how to use essential oils to manage emotions.


Hi! I’m Dr. Marissa ~ a mum with a blended family, a partner to a truly good man, a business owner and mentor, and a holistic doctor ~ with a major passion for helping women to stretch and grow into their greatest possible selves!

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